The Stewards are the spiritual leaders of the church. They are the liaison between the pastor and the members. They are an intricate part of the spiritual growth of the church.
The Trustees are responsible for the overall upkeep of the church to include the grounds, structure and equipment.
The Stewardesses are responsible for the preparation of the Holy Communion in conjunction with other services to include baptisms and funerals.
The Commission on Christian Education is responsible for providing, planning and implementing programs that are geared to spiritual awareness and growth.
The Sunday School provides more in-depth study for all ages to better understand scripture and how to apply the scripture to our daily lives.
The Dora Stroud WMS is an outreach ministry to those in need and founded by Dora Stroud for whom the society is named after. The members are both male and female.
The YPD falls under the WMS department to include AME training, mission work, special programs and activities on all levels of the YPD.
The Lay Organization is formed for the purposes of instilling in its membership a love and appreciation for the history, tradition and principles of the AME Church; advocating respect for loyalty to constituted authority; encouraging the support of the total program of the local church.
The Usher Board is the gatekeeper and the first impression of the atmosphere of the church.
The Sons of Allen is a ministry created for men, both clergy and lay which will seek to address the needs for distinctive ministries to men, who are faced with spiritual, social, political and psychological challenges, to equip men to follow the example of Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus.
The Pastor’s Aid is to assist the pastor with both spiritual and professional grooming needs to insure that all of his/her needs are met.
Each member is assigned a Class Leader to let members know who they can contact when experiencing challenges with their faith, health, family, or personal life issues.
The Choirs provide an atmosphere of praise and worship through songs.